Finish – Phases/Timeline

Description Student activity Phases / timeline Resources Objectives

After have filled out your Application form, registered in Kidlink and checked the Guidelines to participate, you are ready to start:

Phase 1 ()

  • Send to the coordinator a list of your students with name and age.  TIP(Students can work individually or in team )
  • Go to the Finish my Story Home page
  • Introduce your school/teams by creating a School Introduction Page under Students Activity  2018
  • Dialogue among teachers will take place in Looking out Project FB Group 
  • By 15 Mar. all School Introductions must be ready and shared in Students Activity 2018
  • By . it will be care of the Coordinator to match the schools  and to post the matched teams in the Students Activity 2018 page.

Phase 2 ()

  • Students, individually or in small groups,  write the first part of a story. (min. 15 lines)  
  • Starting from their School Introduction Page, teacher (or each student or team) * will create one page for each story where to type the story and scanned image. It’s possible also to use other tools like Google Drive or Padlet and post the links 
  • The partners are invited to read the unfinished story and to add a final to the stories of their partners.

    *Students have a month to finish the selected story.
    *Illustrations can be included. (strongly suggested).
    *The finished story is e-mailed back to the project’s coordinator.
    *Copies of finished stories will be added to the page with the beginning of the story and includes the names of each author.
    *Will be published all finals that a story has received