Where do I live – description

Description Student works Phases/Timeline Objectives

Meet and Greet our Friends in our Global Classroom.

We come from all over the globe.
Join us as we spend some time finding each other on the map and talking about the places where we live, we learn and have fun everyday.

Three great questions to develop in your students a deeper knowledge of themselves and their goals.  Go to Phases/timeline and Read all questions completely to carry on the activities of the project. 

1.Can you Find me? 

2. Living things where I Live


3. The Places where I Learn

Don’t forget to read carefully this page!!

Registration Deadline: Nov. 5
Start of the activities: Nov.7
End of activities: Feb.10

If teacher wants, students can participate even by creating by themselves pages where to type their texts and post pictures. This makes the teachers’work more easy and  can mean greater involvement and responsibility for students. How to participate – Kidspace for Students