Teachers room


This is the main teacher information page to learn more about Kidlink.


Thank you for your patience and collaboration. Best wishes to you all from The Kidlink Association Board.


About the header sailing photo:

The photo that appears now and then in the Header was taken years ago in Sweden during a sailing excursion with students at  Lövgärdesskolan in Göteborg. It is a a project they  have every August with the ninth grade students. During three days they learn to sail.The photo is a metaphor for the trip our Kidlink project students do together.

Latest news 

We have started new Facebook groups:
Kidlink Sri Lanka       Kidlink India         Kidlink Pakistan 

First time visitor? 

Read Why Kidlink Projects and How Kidlink works.

 About the Kidlink Projects

In the menu, click on  Project center,  select a project,  then fill out the Application formTo participate in a project:  Register to  Kidlink (free of charge)

Kidlink Historythe history of  Global Dialogue

Enjoy in our history pages at https://www.kidlink.org/history/index.html to see how our first school collaborated with fax ICT, chat, etc.

Kidlink Project Archive Projects we have run from the very start in 1990.

As you can see in our history pages at https://www.kidlink.org/history/index.html
Kidlink started back in 1990, when no one knew about Internet,
when  Zuckerberg was six years old, and  long before Altavista became our main search engine.
Look in our huge project archive and you may find interesting project ideas you maybe would like to run.

Do you have a new project to suggest?
Do you would like to coordinate it or would you like to reincarnate an old archived project in http://www.kidlink.org/kidspace/start.php?HoldNode=8446  ?
Go fill out the Application form and choose archived project  telling below the name of it.

The Kidlink Project Network

  1. Kidspace – a cms (content management system) for our students where you find works and dialogues. Built by skilled  coldfusion and php programmers Kidlink volunteers Bonnie Thurber, Bob Davis and Patricia Weeg.
  2. Facebook – Our official page in Facebook. You can find latest news in our Facebook page.
  3. Twitter – Our official page in Twitter You can find latest news in our Twitter.
  4. Pinterest – Our official page in Pinterest
  5. Instagram – Our Instagram site
  6. Youtube channel
  7. www.kidlink.org Our main portal for many year linking to regisration, login and to all our activities and informatinon pages.