


The meta tag Title and Description in the page are  used by Google to judge whether to visualize a link to your page . The TITLE meta tags  contain keywords that describe the content of the pages. Do not try to deceive Google . You risk to loose your visibility.
DESCRIPTION. The description must be short and  invite the reader to click on the link in the search engines. Tell about facts and avoid adjectives like superlatives in “We are the best and most of everything….”
the site needs to have a high upload speed, online. Take care to have a webhost with good connection to internet.

EXTERNAL LINKS from comunities like Facebook pages, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, Instagram and if possible Wikipedia gives your site higher ranking and visibility in search engines.

H!, H2. Use H!, H2 headings for your titles. Google read these titles.


All images must have descriptions with keywords and company name. Search engines read these.


 must  contain keywords that potential clients may use to find you. Texts must be relevant and informative, with information on products and services.


The navigation on your site must be simple and intuitive through menus and links in the texts.


Make it easy for people to  read.
Use the same fonts and text colors on all pages. Avoid bold, underscore, and uppercase text and a lot of colors.


Reading should be facilitated avoiding  long words and long sentences.
Keep line length limited. This text is more difficult to read than the text above that is divided in two columns.  Also for foreigners who do not understand the language correctly or use, short sentences, structured texts. Testing translation texts in is an important test.

Stick to facts, let the reader feel.

 Avoid superlatives and adjectives. Tell facts about your products and offers. Your text and photos should achieve the right feeling in the page visitor. You should not tell “We are the best and most of everything….” Let your reader feel that in your page.

This text got an A in  but it can still be improved replacing long words. “Ratings are from A to E, where A-rated text is very easy to read for the general public, and E-rated text is very hard to read.”

Check the translation of your text.

If your text is easy to read then it will be translated better with Google drive. If you know a different language you can look at the translation of your text and see if something should be written easier for Google. You will also make it easier for you readers.

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